Saturday, August 2, 2014

life lately.

it's been a pretty busy week - but when is life not busy? anyways, i'm taking a little time today to refocus by reading a book and eating some delicious cherries. and then i'll spend the rest of the weekend preparing for this final presentation... but a girl's gotta take a few minutes to relax every now and then right? that's what i'm telling myself ;)
some photos i've taken with my phone this past week...

this little used book shop was quite the little discovery. i was early to an appointment and have passed this place countless times - and my now be my favorite used and old bookstore of all time. the place is crammed with books in every place imaginable and they play good music. check it out. duttenhofer's books in clifton. 
ok, so this donut place - Holtmans - is a Cincinnati classic. if you live in Cincinnati and say you've never had Holtmans before i don't know if i believe you. and if i do believe you i also feel very sorry for you because they're delicious and amazing and sometimes i even feel like they're life-changing (but thats mainly when the sugar is kicking in). also, my favorite of theirs is the bacon maple. sounds a bit crazy, but they're my favorite. and i've maybe had six in the last twenty-four hours. i said maybe....


  1. What a great book shop. Whatcha reading? - Alison

  2. These photos are lovely :) I wonder if you would like to check my blog out? It would really mean a lot if you checked it out and maybe left a comment telling me what you think?

  3. Hi Lauren, This space is very promising. I look forward to reading more from you :) I also want to let you know that I've nominated you for the Liebster award. You can go check it out here:
    Grace x
